Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Minority Rules Era - Watching Democracy Die

We have a tendency to think of democracies dying at the hands of thugs with guns. During the Cold War, coups d’etat accounted for nearly three out of every four democratic breakdowns. 
Military coups toppled Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in 2013 
and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in 2014.  
So yes, in cases like these, democracy dissolves in spectacular fashion. 
Tanks roll in the streets.
Leaders are imprisoned or shipped off into exile.
Constitutions are tossed in the dustbins of history.
Yet the truth is, overt dictatorships have disappeared across much of the world.
Violent seizures of power are fairly rare.
But there’s another way to kill a democracy:
 not at the hands of generals, but of elected leaders
 who subvert the very process that brought them to power.

A minority group has seized overwhelming political, economic, & cultural dominance in the USA, despite representing a small fraction of the overall population.
Democrats have won the national vote in six of the last seven presidential elections, (only the 2nd Bush term was actually won, and this had more to do with the hysteria of a bogus "war"...Americans do not change presidents during wartime historically) which, with the retirement of Anthony Kennedy, will have resulted in the appointment of eight of the Supreme Court’s nine justices. And yet four of those justices will have been appointed by presidents who took office despite having fewer votes than their opponent.

Republicans have solidified control of the court’s majority with the chance to replace the sometimes-wavering Kennedy with a never-wavering lapdog ideologue.
It was during the Bush era that conservatives began spreading visual representations of the country-level vote. Flattened out, they displayed a sea of red, punctuated by small blue dots.
These blue dots are actually the areas where most people live. 
These maps, one of which Trump is known to display, create the illusion of popular support.
It's a dirty trick.
The illusion is created because of course, The red represents vast empty acreage rather than people.

And this is how the minority rules.
Over the last generation, the Republican Party has moved rapidly rightward, while the center of public opinion has not.
There is no substantive basis in public opinion for Republican government.
On health care, taxes, immigration, guns, the GOP has left America behind in its race to the far right. The Supreme Court underscores its ability to counteract the undertow of its deepening, unpopular extremism by marshaling countermajoritiarian power.

Harken back a moment with me,  it's December 2000. George W. Bush had a tenuous hold on the Electoral College, despite having half a million fewer votes nationwide.
But his electoral edge depended on a narrow margin in Florida, which was attributable to the fact that voting machines in Democratic counties failed to register a higher percentage of votes than machines in Republican counties. A recount threatened that outcome (and in fact, a hand count that included every kind of missed vote, including ballots that both wrote and checked in the name “Al Gore,” would have given the presidency to the Democrats). But Bush’s brother controlled the state’s government, and it doggedly refused to allow the recount to which the trailing candidate was entitled. In the end, five Republican Supreme Court justices narrowly ended the recount and gave Bush the presidency.
The importance of the role of the Supreme Court, as a fair & just body above the din of the temporary politics of the day can not be overstated. Historically, it has largely done just that.
But the political pressures placed on nominees is a different beast these days.
No one seems to give a damn about justice or what is actually constitutional.
Rather the emphasis is on how can the constitution be twisted to support an ideology.
A corrupted use of the SCOTUS would mean that since the legislative branch failed it's duties to protect the US constitution, nothing would stop the autocratic rule of the narcissistic demagogue the minority has placed in power. 

The House has a massive Republican tilt, requiring Democrats to win the national vote by six or seven points in order to secure a likely majority. The Senate has an even more pronounced tilt, over-representing residents of largely underpopulated rural areas.
George W. Bush in 2000 and Trump in 2016 each won 30 states while losing the national vote.
Since each of these states has equal representation in the Senate, the chamber gives Republicans an innate advantage. If the country were evenly split, half Democrats & half Republicans;  merely attaining parity requires Democrats to win at least ten seats in Republican-leaning states.

The Electoral College reflects the same overall bias. It reduces the power of voters who live in states that vote heavily for one candidate or the other, and magnifies the power of voters who live in closely balanced states, it gives disproportionate influence to rural white voters demographically speaking.
A state that may have voted 48% for a candidate, will turn those votes into votes for the opponent thanks to the "winner take all" method of tallying electoral votes 48 states use.
(This is largely why 'electoral votes' do not reflect actual votes.)

The Republicans have consciously leveraged this minority power.
Mitch McConnell’s indefensible claim that the Senate would not allow President Obama to pick a SCOTUS appointment in an election year, followed now by his shameless claim that this election year rule he'd made up no longer applies and is ridiculous. (Oh...yes it was...that much is so)

The Court’s near decision to destroy the Affordable Care Act previews the growing enthusiasm on the right for what legal scholar Jeffrey Rosen called “the Constitution in Exile.”
Even if Democrats gain an enduring advantage in elected office, large enough to overcome all the white and rural biases in the system, an activist conservative majority in the SCOTUS is hoped to strike down large segments of whatever they enact.

The central drama of the Trump era is a struggle to defend American democracy against an authoritarian leader. The Republican Party’s comfort with the crude authoritarianism of its president, did not spring up out of nowhere. It is the culmination of a party increasingly comfortable with, and reliant on, counter-majority power.
The Minority Rules.

I don't like to frame my political observations as being related to political parties.
In the US historically these parties have stood for various things, sometimes quite the opposite of what they now represent. I'd much much rather use terms such as "liberal" and "left".
I'm proudly liberal despite the war waged against the word...well, words in general have been appropriated for politicization. Their meanings under attack.
To be clear, a Liberal imagines our world as it could be, pictures an optimistic future that is just, fair to all, and improves the lot of everyone. Then tries to make it happen.
This contrasts the Conservative who always points to the past & claims it was better, usually because of some privilege they had over others. They too try to make that happen.
 I have no fondness for the way our electoral process has come to work. Instead of discussing actual policies or issues and voting on them, we have a torturous 2 years worth of essentially spam promoting a "personality" being sold like some cereal product.
It's absurd, horrendously and unnecessarily costly.
Our democracy is something that has yet to be achieved.
It's a work in process, and there are saboteurs who hate democracy.
We certainly aren't there yet. But being "liberal" I see a future where democracy actually is practiced.
Where I have no more say than you, and you no more than me.
(Particularly where those who see themselves as having more 'rights' than others are legally and fairly kept from harming everyone else.)

In today's entry, I have had to talk about the political parties.
As I say I don't like to, but one party has gone way too far in it's extremism and antidemocratic actions. It is the role of congress to reign in the lawless personal exploitation of the presidency, and it has failed as an institution to do this. It has failed purposefully to uphold the constitution they swore to uphold. And this is the doings of one party, in complete control. The Republican party.
Whatever they once stood for, now, they are a disgrace...willing to do anything...ANYTHING for power. Even embracing fascism and kissing the filthy ass of a racketeering megalomaniac intent on robbing and raping the country for personal gain.
  Elections are not about individual candidates, they are about policies. Oh you may not care for either candidate in an election (I seldom do), but you better be able to discern what sort of policies their parties will enact. While I don't think the Democratic party is perfect, and I have reservations about some of their policies...most, I do agree with.  And though I'm not fond of putting a band-aid on a severe head wound...(I usually am pretty sure more needs to be done), I am certain pouring sulfuric acid  on it while singing Onward Christian Soldiers is not the way to go.

We may rightfully regret the electoral process is unfair, manipulated, corrupted, etc.
But this can not be an excuse to do nothing.
You must vote. And you must vote against Republicans.
The idea promoted that one party is just as bad as the other could not be any more drastically illustrated to be a lie than what you are witnessing right now.
Unlike the pervasive notion, it's not a personal popularity contest.
It's a war of ideas.
Good ones.
And very very bad ones.
If you were attacked by human eating giant squids from planet Falwell in a galaxy far far away, would you say " Gee I'd like to stop them, but I don't like the weapons I have to defend myself & family right now...I'll let someone else do it. But man, if I had better weapons I'd do something...yep, when I get the tools I ought to have..."
Vote against the human eating squids.
That means vote blue.
Never give up the fight to make the world better, to make democracy work better, to improve...but don't be eaten by alien squids just because the improved world hasn't arrived yet.
If your vote didn't count folks, do you think the Squids would be devoting so much time, energy & money to suppress it?
Vote, and vote blue. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Richard Rorty Foresaw The Future (and he has advice for you)

Richard Rorty

Philosopher- Author Richard Rorty in 1998 perfectly predicted the malaise we find ourselves in.

You will find this in his book

"Achieving our Country" ( published 1999).

The book consists of a series of lectures Rorty gave in 1997 about the history of leftist thought in 20th-century America.

In a way, one who knows history could see it on a path of repetition. However, this bit of prescience is particularly accurate.

"Members of labor unions, and unorganized unskilled workers, will sooner or later realize that their government is not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or to prevent jobs from being exported. Around the same time, they will realize that suburban white-collar workers — themselves desperately afraid of being downsized — are not going to let themselves be taxed to provide social benefits for anyone else.

At that point, something will crack. The nonsuburban electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking around for a strongman to vote for — someone willing to assure them that, once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, overpaid bond salesmen, and postmodernist professors will no longer be calling the shots…

One thing that is very likely to happen is that the gains made in the past forty years by black and brown Americans, and by homosexuals, will be wiped out. Jocular contempt for women will come back into fashion… All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet.

After my imagined strongman takes charge, he will quickly make his peace with the international super-rich."
Today, Rorty’s words read like prophecy. Something has cracked. People have lost faith in democracy...a strongman is upon us.
So what happened?
Over the course of three lectures, Rorty proffers a theory. He traces the history of the modern American left to show where, in his view, it lost its way, and how that digression prepared the way for the populist right.

I recommend reading any of Rorty's books. They are philosophical, highly educational, inspiring, and frankly somewhat romantic.

The American left split into two camps: the reformist left and the cultural left. The reformist left dominates from 1900 until it is supplanted by the cultural left in the mid-1960s.
The division has more to do with tactics than it does principles, but those tactical differences, for Rorty at least, carried enormous consequences.

Rorty suggests that between 1900 and 1964,the reformist left struggled within the framework of constitutional democracy to protect the weak from the strong.” The emphasis on constitutional democracy is paramount here. Reformists believed in the system, and wanted to improve it from within." he said.

Before the 1960s, the American left was largely reformist in its orientation to politics. Think of the people who engineered the New Deal or the Ivy-educated technocrats that joined Kennedy in the White House.  John Kenneth Galbraith, the liberal economist and public official who served in the administrations of FDR, Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson, is a favorite of Rorty’s.

These were the liberals who weren’t socialist radicals but nevertheless worked to promote the same causes within and through the system. They were liberal reformers, not revolutionary leftists, and they actually got things done.

The reformist left was a big tent. It included people who thought of themselves as communists and socialist as well as moderate left-of-center Democrats. What united them was a devotion to pragmatic reform; there were no purity tests, no totalizing calls for revolution, as was common among Marxists at the time. But they were “feared and hated by the Right” because they gave us all the fundaments of a fair and liberal democracy. Certainly like anyone else, the reformers had their flaws. But the bottom line was there was forward motion...they got results folks.

FDR was the classic reformist liberal, and he delivered the New Deal and encouraged the growth of labor unions.

The Harvard technocrats in the Kennedy administration were complicit in countless horrors in Vietnam. But they also created lasting domestic policies that advanced the cause of social justice.

Rorty admired the reformist left both because they were effective and because they understood that the key dividing line between the left the right in this country was about whether the state has a responsibility to ensure a moral and socially desirable distribution of wealth. The right rejected this proposition, the left embraced it.

The reformist left “helped substitute a rhetoric of fraternity and national solidarity for a rhetoric of individual rights.” They proposed a counter-narrative to the libertarian right, which fetishized the individual and made a virtue of selfishness.

The idea was to convince Americans that America was best — and closest to its moral identity — when it turned left, when it sacrificed, when citizens imagined themselves as participants in an intergenerational movement that Kennedy described as "a rising tide that floats ALL boats".
Pragmatic Politics

Such an orientation didn’t entail a blind spot for America’s sins. “America is not a morally pure country. No country ever has been or ever will be,” Rorty wrote, but “in democratic countries you get things done by compromising your principles in order to form alliances with groups about whom you have grave doubts.” The left made tremendous progress in this way.

It accepted, as Rorty put it, that the inequities of American society had to be “corrected by using the institutions of constitutional democracy.” And that meant acquiring power, taking control of institutions, and persuading people with whom you disagreed. It was not enough to speak truth to power; elections had to be won and coalitions forged if you wanted to get things done.

This spirit of pragmatism held the American left together until the 1960s. The focus was on improving the material conditions of Americans by winning elections and appealing to national pride. Economic justice was considered a precursor to social justice. If the system could be made to work for everyone, if you could lift more people out of poverty, socio-cultural progress would naturally follow.

The focus of leftist politics changed in the 1960s. For Rorty, the left ceased to be political and instead became a cultural movement. The prevailing view was that it was no longer possible to promote equality and social justice within the system.

The Vietnam War, more than anything else, set the left on its new trajectory. The war was seen as an indictment of the whole system, of America as such. Thus the broader anti-communist Cold War become a central fault line for left-wing activists. Led largely by students, the new left regarded anyone opposed to communism — including Democrats, union workers, and technocrats — as hostile.

America was viewed, increasingly, as a failed promise, a malevolent empire beyond redemption. Of what use is reformist politics in such a context? Rorty elaborates:

For if you turn out to be living in an evil empire (rather than, as you had been told, a democracy fighting an evil empire), then you have no responsibility to your country; you are accountable only to humanity. If what your government and your teachers are saying is all part of the same Orwellian monologue – if the differences between the Harvard faculty and the military-industrial complex, or between Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater, are negligible – then you have a responsibility to make a revolution.

It’s not that these sentiments were wrong; America was, for much of the country, a failed promise. The racial divide was real and socially engineered. The war in Vietnam was an inhuman sham. There was something deeply troubling about the structure of American society. 
And Rorty disputed none of this.

From his perspective, the problem was the total rejection of pragmatic reform. The belief that there was nothing in America that could be salvaged, no institutions that could be corrected, no laws worth passing, led to the complete abandonment of conventional politics. Persuasion was replaced by self-expression; policy reform by recrimination.

There was a shift away from economics towards a “politics of difference” or “identity” or “recognition.” If the intellectual locus of pre-’60s leftism was social science departments, it was now literature and philosophy departments. And the focus was no longer on advancing alternatives to a market economy or on the proper balance between political freedom and economic liberalism. Now the focus was on the cultural status of traditionally marginalized groups.

In many ways, this was a good thing. The economic determinism of the pre-’60s left was embarrassingly myopic. The plight of minorities and gay Americans and other oppressed groups was an afterthought. This was a moral failure the cultural left sought to correct.

And it did this by “teaching Americans to recognize otherness,” as Rorty put it. 

Multiculturalism, as it’s now called, was about preserving otherness, preserving our differences; it doesn’t oblige us to cease to notice those differences. There’s nothing morally objectionable about that. As a political strategy, however, it’s problematic. It reinforces sectarian impulses and detracts from coalition-building.

FDR, consummate example of pragmatic liberalism 

The pivot away from politics toward culture spawned academic fields like women and gender studies, African-American studies, Hispanic-American studies, LGBTQ studies, and so on. These disciplines do serious academic work, but they don’t minister to concrete political ends. Their goal has been to make people aware of the humiliation and hate endured by these groups, and to alienate anyone invested in that hate.

Rorty doesn’t object to these aims; indeed, he (rightly) celebrated them.

The cultural left succeeded in making America a better, more civilized country. The problem, though, is that that progress came at a price. “There is a dark side to the success story I have been telling about the post-sixties cultural Left,” Rorty writes. “During the same period in which socially accepted sadism diminished, economic inequality and economic insecurity have steadily increased.

It’s as if the American Left could not handle more than one initiative at a time — as if it either had to ignore stigma in order to concentrate on money, or vice versa.”

The left’s focus on cultural issues created an opening for the populist right, for people like Pat Buchanan and Donald Trump, who galvanize support among the white working class by exploiting racial resentment and economic anxiety. Rorty explains:

"While the Left’s back was turned, the bourgeoisification of the white proletariat which began in WWII and continued up through the Vietnam War has been halted, and the process has gone into reverse. America is now proletarianizing its bourgeoisie, and this process is likely to culminate in bottom-up revolt, of the sort [Pat] Buchanan hopes to foment.

Racial animus is baked into the founding of America; it exists regardless of what the left does. But Rorty’s point holds: By divorcing itself from class and labor issues, the left lost sight of its economic agenda and waged a culture war that empowers the right and has done little to improve the lives of the very people it seeks to defend. Rorty’s advice to the left was to pay attention to who benefits from such a strategy:

The super-rich will have to keep up the pretense that national politics might someday make a difference. Since economic decisions are their prerogative, they will encourage politicians of both the Left and the Right, to specialize in cultural issues. The aim will be to keep the minds of the proles elsewhere – to keep the bottom 75 percent of Americans and the bottom 95 percent of the world’s population busy with ethnic and religious hostilities, and with debates about sexual mores. If the proles can be distracted from their own despair by media-created pseudo-events…the super-rich will have little to fear."

Big business benefits most from the culture wars.

If the left and the right are quarreling over religion or race or same-sex marriage, nothing much changes, or nothing that impacts wealth concentration changes.

Rorty is particularly hard on Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both of whom he accuses of retreating “from any mention of redistribution” and of “moving into a sterile vacuum called the center.” The Democratic Party, under this model, has grown terrified of redistributionist economics, believing such talk would drive away the suburbanite vote. The result, he concludes, is that “the choice between the major parties has come down to a choice between cynical lies and terrified silence.”
Trump embodies the essence of a filthy, decayed, intellectually bankrupt and immoral world.

Rorty’s concern was not that the left cared too much about race relations or discrimination (it should care about these things); rather, he warned that it stopped doing the hard work of actual liberal democratic politics.
He worried that it’s retreat into academia, into theory and away from the concrete, would prove politically disastrous.

(And he was dead right).

Immediately after the prophetic passage about a future “strongman,” Rorty offered yet another disturbing prophecy:
"One thing that is very likely to happen is that the gains made in the past forty years by black and brown Americans, and by homosexuals, will be wiped out. Jocular contempt for women will come back into fashion. The words ‘nigger’ and ‘kike’ will once again be heard in the workplace. All the sadism which the academic Left has tried to make unacceptable to its students will come flooding back. All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet."
If this were to happen, Rorty added, it would be a calamity for the country and the world. People would wonder how it happened, and why the left was unable to stop it. They wouldn’t understand why the left couldn’t “channel the mounting rage of the newly dispossessed” and speak more directly to the “consequences of globalization.” They would conclude that the left had died, or that it existed but was “no longer able to engage in national politics.”

And they would be right in at least one sense:
On a purely political level, the left has failed.

In retrospect, we might say the binary distinction between the reformist left and the cultural left is overly simplistic.
And could the cultural strides made by the post-’60s left have come about another way?
It’s not clear how.
Ultimately, even though the political landscape has changed dramatically, much of Rorty's observations remain true.

So what does America need to do now?
Politics is a game of competing stories about a nation’s self-identity, and between differing symbols of its greatness.
The Right and the left have a story to tell, and the difference is enormous.
The Right sees the Left’s struggle for social justice as mere troublemaking, as utopian foolishness.

The Left, by definition, is the party of hope. It insists that our nation remains unachieved yet.
The left needs to learn from it's pragmatic leaders in the reformist era how to actually get things to create coalitions for the greater good and it needs to be able to communicate just why it offers a better future for everyone.

While Trump is both a nostalgia candidate (“Make America Great Again”) and someone who describes America as a carnage-filled hellscape. Yet Obama’s implacable optimism inspired most of the country. Bernie Sanders’s economic populism resonated with far more people than anyone supposed a year or two ago. This is a winning combination for the left. It’s also the formula that Rorty endorses in "Achieving our Country".

Perhaps the left would do well to embrace it.